
Lantern Workshops

March 29-30

Create a Lantern Puppet

Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads Lantern Workshops - Learn how to create your very own "Everybody Lantern Puppet!" 

It’s your design. Your lantern puppet could be an animal, character, or an original creature. Think of them as a fantastical second self, a playful critter native to the world of the lantern parade!

Best for older kids & adults - Lantern puppets are easy to create; they can be as simple or elaborate as you'd like. Kids must be accompanied by an adult at all times, and this project is best for ages capable of using scissors and respecting hot glue.

Tickets are $25 per lantern puppet, and all materials are provided. This is a great project for two people. 

Workshops are hosted at Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center (1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs GA):

✨ Saturday, March 29 at 10:30 AM

✨ Saturday, March 29 at 2:30 PM

🌟 Sunday, March 30 at 2:30 PM



Lanterns with drawings of Flying Pigs

Create a 20th Anniversary Lantern

It is the City of Sandy Springs 20th Anniversary! The idea for flying pigs started with Sandy Springs’ effort to incorporate in 2005, when some believed that Sandy Springs would become a city “when pigs fly.” If you make this lantern, you get to march in the front of the Lantern Parade with Sanderson the Flying Pig!

Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads Lantern Workshops - Learn how to create your very own "20th Anniversary Lantern!" 

Open to artists of all ages. This is a great for anyone who likes to color! This lantern is made of an 11 x 17 drawing to color with markers. The assembly is easy.

Tickets are $12 per lantern, and all materials are provided. This is a great project for one person, or a child + adult. Kids must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Workshops are hosted at Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center (1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs GA):

🐖 Saturday, March 29 at 11:00 AM

🐖 Saturday, March 29 at 3:00 PM

🐷 Sunday, March 30 at 3:00 PM



Chantelle Rytter

    About the Artist 

    This workshop is with lantern parade artist, Chantelle Rytter, creator of the Sandy Springs Lantern Parade, and proud Captain of the Krewe of the Grateful Gluttons. Chantelle has created a family of annual lantern parades based in community participation over the last 14 years in Sandy Springs, Midtown, Hapeville, and Hilton Head Island. Chantelle grew up in Baltimore and studied integrative arts at Penn State University. She lived in New Orleans for 10 years and fell under the spell of parade culture and the notion that creative play can be a civic gift. See more of their parades and lantern-making ideas at www.weirdgonepro.com


    🏮✂️ MORE WAYS TO MAKE A Lantern

      Venue: Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center