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City of Sandy Springs to Host Public Open House on Design Guidelines

March 3, 2025

The City of Sandy Springs is developing design guidelines for six primary commercial and mixed-use areas. These guidelines aim to ensure future development aligns with adopted planning documents, the development code, and promotes a unique sense of place in Sandy Springs.

The City invites the community to join for a drop-in style public open house, where they can learn about the design guidelines process and share initial thoughts and feedback. There will be no formal presentation—just an opportunity for residents to stop by, review the materials, and provide input.

WHEN:       Thursday, March 13, 6-8 p.m.

WHERE:      Sandy Springs City Hall

                         Barfield Room

                         1 Galambos Way

Attendees will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the purpose of the design guidelines, the types of design elements the guidelines will address, and the process of developing the guidelines.
  • Provide feedback on desired design characteristics for building features, landscaping, streetscapes, and other elements.
  • Interact with the design guidelines team and ask questions.

Exhibit materials and an online survey will be posted on spr.gs/design starting March 13. The survey will close on March 31, 2025.


The guidelines will build on standards included in the development code and technical manual by providing additional design direction for building features, building sites, landscaping, streetscapes, and other elements that shape the appearance and experience of Sandy Springs.

The guidelines will address the character of development in six commercial and mixed-use areas of the city, including:

  • Greater City Springs
  • Central Perimeter
  • Crossroads
  • Neighborhood Village
  • North End
  • Powers Ferry
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