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Kennesaw State University and City Of Sandy Springs Extend Partnership

September 15, 2020

The Sandy Springs City Council has approved a new Memorandum of Understanding with Kennesaw State University (KSU) that will provide opportunities to build on the existing collaboration between the City and the University.

During its September 15, 2020 meeting, the Sandy Springs City Council, announced that the expanded partnership would open the door for ongoing collaboration on research and special projects between the two entities.


“It’s an exciting opportunity to serve as a living laboratory aligning classroom research with real-world challenges, with both the student body and the Sandy Springs community benefitting from the process,” said Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul. 


KSU’s Michael J. Coles College of Business currently offers an MBA program and an Executive Certificate in Business Strategy from classrooms located at City Springs.


“We are pleased to expand our relationship with the City of Sandy Springs and look forward to creating mutually beneficial opportunities for our students, faculty, and the members of the community,” said Kennesaw State’s Vice President for Research Phaedra Corso.


KSU and City leadership will work together to determine what projects to pursue.  Programs will align with classroom learning objectives while providing innovative solutions for City services.  Among the examples proposed for consideration:  a Streamside Property Ownership Outreach program, delivering educational material to the community about stream buffers; Smart Street Design looking at test sites for opportunities for improvements to transit, active transportation and passenger vehicles; and the creation of a Business and Marketing Plan for CityBar at City Springs.

The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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