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Sandy Springs Moves to Next Phase of Hammond Drive Corridor Project

May 17, 2022


SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. (May 17, 2022)—The City of Sandy Springs approved an amendment with Gresham Smith to continue to its work on the TSPLOST Hammond Drive Corridor Project in the TSPLOST 2021 project limits between Boylston Road and Glenridge Road.

Amendment 4, in the amount of $2,951,701, will continue development of preliminary plans, right of way plans, and final construction plans, and to provide construction support.

The additional services will progress the project from its initial preliminary plan phase for its Phase 1 construction limits through its construction phase, as well as including work for public involvement and special studies/reports. The project's Phase 1 limits begin at Boylston Drive and continue on Hammond Drive to Glenridge Drive.

The City of Sandy Springs has long realized the need to improve mobility and safety along this section of Hammond Drive. In fact, as far back as 1999, Fulton County identified improvements on Hammond Drive as needed to enhance safety and mobility. Over the past several years, the City has held more than five public meetings and multiple neighborhood discussions to solicit resident input into the need and design for the project. 

Based on traffic data collected in 2019, Hammond Drive between Roswell Road and Glenridge Drive carries approximately 17,500 vehicles daily – a higher volume of traffic than the capacity of a two-lane roadway. Currently, Hammond Drive experiences severe congestion and queuing of traffic, especially during peak commuting hours. The failure to accommodate current and growing future traffic demand along Hammond Drive has led to an increase in neighborhood cut-through traffic and is adversely impacting adjacent roadways.

The project will add capacity and a multi-use path along both sides of Hammond Drive, improving mobility and providing pedestrian and bicycle movement and safety in the area. The proposed project includes areas for green space between the roadway and multi-use paths as well as along the south side of the new roadway. 

To learn more about the project, please visit the City’s website at https://www.sandyspringsga.gov/hammond-drive-improvements.

For information about the City of Sandy Springs, please visit www.sandyspringsga.gov, or call the Citizen Response Center at 770-730-5600. Follow breaking news and traffic alerts on Twitter and community news on Facebook.


Media Contact:
Jason Fornicola, Communications Director

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