City of Sandy Springs

Sandy Springs to Host Second Community Meeting for Roswell Road at Crossroads Small Area Plan Update

August 15, 2023

What: Roswell Road at Crossroads Small Area Plan Update Open House

When: Wednesday, Aug. 30. 6:00 p.m.

Where: Sandy Springs City Hall, 1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs, Ga 30328.  


The purpose of the meeting is to share progress and receive feedback on draft updates to the “Crossroads” node from the Roswell Road Small Area Plan. Building on feedback received at the April 25, 2023, open house and online questionnaire, the City has prepared a draft urban design concept that provides a vision for how the area could evolve in the future. The public will be able to review and provide feedback on the draft urban design concept.

The study area boundary includes areas east and west of Roswell Road, running from I-285 south to include the Prado shopping center. The goal of the plan is to address the current and future needs of the community while envisioning how the area could evolve in the next 10-15 years.

The plan will examine the following:

  • Land uses
  • Housing options
  • Transportation (travel by walking, bicycling, public transportation, and by automobile)
  • Parks and open spaces


In 2017, the City adopted the Next Ten Comprehensive Plan and associated Small Area Plans. The Next Ten Comprehensive Plan is the official statement of the City’s vision for its future. It expresses the Sandy Springs community’s aspirations and goals, while articulating a corresponding set of policies and recommendations to guide future decisions regarding land use, development, and capital improvements. The Roswell Road Small Area Plan focused on the Crossroads area, which will be updated and expanded through this Small Area Plan Update.

For more information about the Crossroads Small Area Plan, please visit http://spr.gs/crossroads

For information about the City of Sandy Springs, please visit www.sandyspringsga.gov, or call the Citizen Response Center at 770-730-5600. Follow breaking news and traffic alerts on Twitter and community news on Facebook.


The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
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Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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