
Retaining Wall Permits

When is a Retaining Wall Permit required?
Retaining walls are structures designed to restrain soil. They are used to bound soils between two different elevations. A Retaining Wall Permit is required when installing a new retaining wall or replacing an existing retaining wall on residential and commercial properties.

When is a Retaining Wall Permit NOT required?
A separate Retaining Wall Permit is not required when it is four (4) feet or less from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall at the same section and does not support a surcharge. All retaining walls require an indemnification letter. Additional zoning regulations regarding grading in the rear yard may limit the addition of the wall to rear of properties. Please refer to the Section 9.4.3 of the Development Code for further guidance.

Who can apply for a Retaining Wall Permit?
A Retaining Wall Permit can be obtained by licensed contractor or the property owner. In order for the property owner to obtain a permit, the property must be their current permanent residence. A professional engineer signed/sealed design is required for all retaining walls six (6) feet or taller.

What are the types of Retaining Wall Permits?

Applying for Retaining Wall Permit
You can apply for a permit online at Build Sandy Springs. You can also submit construction drawings, pay invoices, request inspections, and view your current permit status at Build Sandy Springs.

You can also Schedule an Appointment via QLess to meet with one of our Permit Technicians at City Hall for further assistance with your application.

Required Application Documents: The following documents are required for the permitting process. 

Drawing Submittal Requirements: The following is an example of construction drawings that would be required to complete plan review and issue a permit for a Retaining Wall Permit.

  • Cover Sheet and Sheet Index with the project address and a sheet list of all drawings submitted for plan review.
  • Civil Drawings
    • Existing Conditions/Survey
    • Site Plans including all setbacks, buffers and easements clearly labeled and shall include the lot coverage calculations.  Also include any existing utility services such as water, sewer, septic fields, etc.
    • Grading and Drainage Plans
    • Retaining Wall Details, if applicable.
    • Erosion Control Plans clearly indicating the BMP locations with standard details.​
    • Tree Conservation Plan including the canopy coverage calculations.

Associated Application Documents
Walls that are over four (4) feet, but less than six (6) feet in height require a completed owner’s indemnification form prior to issuance. Walls 6 feet in height or greater must be engineered and require a completed and stamped engineer’s indemnification form prior to issuance.

Inspection Process

  1. The pre-construction meeting site inspection is conducted prior to any and all land disturbing activities. Please schedule prior to installing silt fencing and tree save fencing.
  2. The final inspection is conducted when the project is completed.
The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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