
Streams and Creeks

As the City’s name suggests, there are streams, creeks (and springs) that run throughout the city. These waterways are tributaries to the Chattahoochee River and a part of the natural infrastructure of our State’s water supply and storm water management system. The State and City have designated areas comprised of various buffers in the vicinity of these waterways to minimize land disturbance and erosion.

The Chattahoochee River Corridor includes property 2,000’ from the banks of the Chattahoochee River, and Stream Buffers are the the 75′ protection corridor along designated streams and bodies of water.  Land disturbance and construction are heavily regulated in these areas and may even be restricted depending on how close the project site is to the body of water.

Please search for your address using the Community Development Map to determine if the River Corridor or any Stream Buffers apply to your property.  Use the Layers on the left side of your screen to toggle on “StreamBufferQuickDraw.”

State Water Determination
The City of Sandy Springs has on staff an individual who determines whether a creek or stream is a "state water" and if the buffer is required. State waters are defined by the presence of wrested vegetation – a creek or stream that has created dirt/rock creek bottom.

Planning and Creating a Healthy Buffer Zone
Stream buffers, also known as Riparian buffers, are areas of vegetation adjacent to streams, rivers, wetlands, etc. that protect these water resources from non-point source pollution and provide bank stabilization and support aquatic and wildlife habitat. 

Once state water has been established, a minimum buffer width of 75 feet is required by the City of Sandy Springs.  See Division 9.2 of the Development Code for more information. The buffer zone should be thought of in bands of land, moving from the streambanks towards land. The first 25-foot state regulated buffer is observed, followed by an additional 25-foot buffer sanctioned by the City of Sandy Springs, along with another 25-foot impervious buffer. There can be no disturbance within 50 feet of a state water, and there can be no concrete or construction within 75 feet of a state water. Landscaping is permitted in the area 50-75 feet from a state water. Any land use changes or disturbance encroaching on these buffers such as decks, patios and/or walkways, requires a variance authorized by the Board of Appeals.

Landscaping Considerations
The buffer is essential for preventing streambank erosion, providing wildlife habitat and casting shade that keeps the water cool. 

The City created guidelines for landscaping projects that can be found in the Technical Manual Sec. 1.E. State Water Buffers Restoration Standards. Any access path leading to the stream should be of minimal width and perpendicular to the stream. To maintain an open view corridor of the water, trees and low-growing groundcovers should be selected. 

What Happens When a Stream Un-Meanders
The meandering flow of tributaries, by design, naturally mitigates flooding.  Streams are not pipes. When we eliminate natural straighten streams, excessive energy often becomes trapped in the stream channel. Erosion increases as the stream attempts to recreate the missing meanders. Floodplains often become disconnected from the stream and downstream landowners are at a greater risk of flooding and erosion.

Stream Walks 

The City conducted stream walks in an effort to identify and address issues that may be contributing to creek impairments and to better understand stream conditions.


OktoberFEAST logo, with beer stein, lederhosen, bratwursts, accordion
City Event

OktoberFEAST: Family Fun on Tap

Saturday, October 19
The City of Sandy Springs presents the first annual OktoberFEAST, with family fun on tap October 19-20 on the City Green. Enjoy live music by the Swinging Bavarians, German beers, authentic Bavarian cuisine, and polka lessons! Admission is free. 
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City Springs Event


Saturday, November 23
With a decades-spanning career in different styles and genres, award-winning Newsboys propelled hits like “We Believe” and “Born Again” up the charts. They’ve brought their live show to the world, in constant pursuit of reinvention, inspiration, and following their calling.
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Vienna Boys Choir: Christmas in Vienna
City Springs Event

Vienna Boys Choir: Christmas in Vienna

Thursday, December 19
The illustrious group of child musicians has delighted music lovers worldwide for six centuries with their purity of tone, distinctive charm and popular repertoire. Christmas in Vienna showcases their voices in Austrian folk songs, classical masterpieces and holiday favorites.
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