
Utility Permits & Construction Road Closure Requests

When is a Utility Permit required?
A Utility Permit is required for construction work in the right-of-way which generally coincides with installation of fiber cable, water, or sewer line. Utility Permits are also used for lane closures that coincide with construction, tree removal, or some other type of road construction.

When is a Utility Permit NOT required?
A Utility Permit is not needed when a residential builder is connecting to an existing water meter, gas service, or sewer connection.  It is also not needed when a contractor is accessing utility infrastructure in an easement on private property.

Who can apply for a Utility Permit?
A permit can be obtained by licensed contractor or the property owner. In order for the property owner to obtain a permit, the property must be their current permanent residence.  For commercial properties, the contractor performing the work will generally apply for the permit.

Applying for a Utility Permit
You can apply for a permit online at Build Sandy Springs. You can also submit construction drawings, pay invoices, request inspections, and view your current permit status at Build Sandy Springs.

You can also Schedule an Appointment via QLess to meet with one of our Permit Technicians at City Hall for further assistance with your application.

Permit Fees
In Sandy Springs, the fee for a permit is based on the linear foot of installation regarding fiber cable, wire, or piping with a minimum of $275.00 due per application and a flat fee of $425.00 for water or sewer installation. To find out how much the permit will cost, please view our Permit Fee Schedule. Our Permit Technicians can also assist you in calculating your permit fee.

Application Requirements

  • Licensed Contractors: Please bring your business license and state issued ID (e.g. driver’s license).
  • The Utility Permit Application is on Page 17 of the Utility Permit Policy. Pay special attention to the three main areas of focus:.
    • Methodology: Explain what you’re doing and how you’re doing it in the ‘Description Field.’ For example, "directional boring 44’ to provide a natural gas connection for a new residence. We will dig a tie-in pit at the location shown on the drawing, and exit the ROW as shown." The more detailed your description of the work is, the quicker it can be processed.
    • Traffic Control: Include a Traffic Control Plan that adheres to MUTCD standards. This should be included in the submittal packet. A copy of the typical application you’ve chosen will suffice.
    • Restoration: List all items in the ROW that will be disturbed along with their current condition. Detail how you will restore them to like or better conditions.

Lane Closure Requests
Pay special attention to these main areas of focus when creating a Utility Permit Application for a Lane Closure.

  • Methodology: Explain exactly what action you’re performing and why it requires a lane closure. 
  • Traffic Control: Include a Traffic Control Plan that adheres to MUTCD standards. Call out the Typical Application number you’re citing and customize your specific street plan to those requirements.
  • Schedule: The City requires a 30-day notice when applying for a lane closure. After final approval, there is a five business day waiting period for resident outreach. Please list the exact schedule dates you are requesting.
  • Restoration: List all items in the ROW that will be disturbed along with their current condition. Detail how you will restore them to like or better conditions.

Utility Signage Template
The City has prepared a template for Notice of Utility Work signage, which is required when work area involves more than 500 feet. 

Call Before You Dig

Call 811 a few days prior to digging, tell the operator where you're planning to dig, what type of work you will be doing, and your affected local utilities companies will be notified about your intent to dig. In a few days, they'll send a locator to mark the approximate location of your underground lines, pipes and cables, so you'll know what's below - and be able to dig safely. Be aware that city-owned fiber cables are not in the Georgia 811 Utility Locate System. The Contractor must pothole for fiber before excavation begins. Please refer to the Utility Permits Map for where City Fiber is located.

How to Tell Which Utility Company is Working Outside Your Home

The instructor shows workshoppers how to pose their Lantern Puppets
City Event

Lantern Parade - Workshops

Saturday, March 29
Get ready for the Lantern Parade! Join parade artist Chantelle Rytter as she leads workshoppers in the construction of their very own lantern puppets.
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Lantern Parade

Lantern Parade - Bringing Light to Life

The Lantern Parade is an evening filled with fantastical puppets and glowing lanterns! Families bring handcrafted lanterns, celebrate as the sun sets, then parade together down to Morgan Falls Overlook Park, right next to the Chattahoochee River!  
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