
Apartment Complexes

The City of Sandy Springs is home to many apartment communities.  Prioritizing the health, safety and well-being of its residents, the City has implemented Code Requirements which must be met in order for an apartment owner to obtain a required City of Sandy Springs Occupation Tax Certificate (Business License).

To obtain a Sandy Springs Business License, the apartment owner must provide a Compliance Certificate and Inspection Report covering 100% of the individual rental units. In addition, the apartment owner must show proof of annual hydrant inspection, including any actions related to repairs needed as a result of that inspection. 

Note:  the Multi-Family Housing (Sec 105) and Fire Safety (Sec 22) Ordinances have changed. Please click here to view a copy of the Ordinance. You can click here for general information related to new Fire Safety Requirements that must be met prior to applying for a Sandy Springs Business License.

Code Enforcement Compliance 
Please be advised that all complaints from tenants must be investigated. If a complaint is warranted, then a notice of violation is issued by City Code Enforcement to allow a reasonable time  to correct the problem. An exception is made if the complaint is deemed by the City to be a life safety issue, and in these cases, a citation may be issued to appear in municipal court.

What do I do if I receive a Notice of Violation?

Please address the issue by the compliance date. Contact the officer who issued the notice with any questions or information related to the violation. The objective is compliance, with the violation(s) being corrected and the case(s) closed, not the issuance of citations.
What do I do if I need more time to resolve the problem?

Contact the officer assigned your case and explain why an extension is needed. In most cases, the extension will be granted if reasonable efforts are being made to correct the violation(s).

Winter Weather

Winter Weather

Due to inclement winter weather, City Hall will open later than usual on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Administrative offices will open at 11 a.m. Emergency services will operate as scheduled. The City Council meeting will proceed as scheduled.
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